
陈建华 1986 m

父亲小时候跟朋友比胆子大 2015/02/05

方言:寧龍片 Nínglóng客語 Hakka漢語系 Sinitic漢藏語系 Sino-Tibetan

地点:石城 Shíchéng江西省 Jiāngxī

上传者:cocokkaa 2015/02/05

My father used to estimate the age of twenty, when very young
He then, with those friends before a bet about who\'s courageous
Who\'s courageous than what my dad said: My biggest guts!
Others say: You say your courage maximum that you can get to La Lee Stone, one night on the hill. We will serve you, or we satisfied.
Overnight what does that mean? Is an entire night on the hill.
Before, there was a lot of graves on the LEELASHILL
The average person has not dared to go up.
My dad courageous, does not matter the. A person with some clothes, a person to the top of the hill. Next to the grave to sleep, he was not afraid.
To the middle of the night, an estimated 12 o\'clock passed, fall asleep after hearing a movement
Although he is not afraid of my father, but he was astounded. A look at the past. .
Saw a black shadow stood up, scared others are shaking. After a child only knows.
Oops, turned out to be a bum, he also slept nearby, just that he is gone. .



In order to cite the website in full, please see the citation page. To cite only this recording, please use the following:

Chén Jiàn​huá 陈建华. 2015. 父亲小时候跟朋友比胆子大 [Fù​qīn Xiǎo​shí​hou Gēn Péng​you Bǐ Dǎn​zi Dà]. In: Van Dam, Kellen Parker; Hansen, Steve; Qi, Jiayao (Eds). Phonemica. accessed 2025/03/14
  author = {Chén Jiàn​huá 陈建华},
  booktitle = {乡音苑 Phonemica},
  editor = {van Dam, {Kellen Parker} and Hansen, Steve and Qi, Jiayao},
  publisher = {Phonemica},
  title = {父亲小时候跟朋友比胆子大 Fù​qīn Xiǎo​shí​hou Gēn Péng​you Bǐ Dǎn​zi Dà},
  URL = {https://phonemica.net/x/54d336672bd5537c32f7d59e/1},
  note = {accessed 2025/03/14},
  year = {2015}