Watan 1938 m
射太陽的故事 2014/10/13
方言:Matu’uwal0000cquliq泰雅語 Atayal
地点:苗栗泰安鄉錦水村 Miáolìtài'ānxiāngjǐnshuǐcūn台灣 Táiwān
上传者:itaal 2014/10/13
kiya ku qutux ka kaiʔ nku nanabakis ka mha
There is an ancestors\' story that goes like this:
ti itaʔ ka... a... maqiyanux ga ru matawaw ru i
We used to live and work
maʔuway ga muhngaw cu pilapilag ru...
When we were tired, we would rest a while
matawaw lawi, ukas a mhantan
And we would start working again, [for] there was no night
qaliyan kariʔariʔax mha ku nanabakis... kaiʔ nku nanabakis cungaʔ sinubilan ku
And there was daylight all the time, said the ancestors
sinubilan cu kaiʔ nku nanabakis cungaʔ ru
The ancestors handed down this story [to us]
papahicuwaʔ taʔ i muwani ukas tikay a hangawan
\"What are we doing to do about this? We cannot rest.\"
asi patawaw ukas tikay ga... ukay a... a hangawan, ukas a mhantan mha ru
\"We\'re always working, we don\'t even have a little bit of rest, there\'s no night\", they said
makaal ku nanabakis mha hahcuwalun taʔ i maung ku qutux ka wagiʔ la mha ru
The ancestors discussed, "How are we going to put out one of the [two] Suns?"
kiya ku qutux ka nabakis ka mha... a...
One of the ancestors said,
halay mi cumbuʔ ku qutux ka wagiʔ qu, naki kiya mhantan mha ru
"How about I go and shoot one of the Suns [with a bow]? Then there will be night"
u... wal suʔ... wal mha i makaal ma
And indeed they answered yes
rasun niyaʔ ku ulaqiʔ niyaʔ ka tikay mha tila halay tiʔ cumbuʔ qutux halay tiʔ mitaal ku wagiʔ
He took his small child with him [saying], \"Let\'s go take a look at the Suns, and shoot one down\"
hahcuwalun taʔ i... hahcuwalun tiʔ maung ku qutux ka wagiʔ mha san ku
"How... how are we going to put out one of the Suns?", he said
yabaʔ niyaʔ qutux ka ulaqiʔ tikay ga aruwa nha ru maras cu payux cu gaghap na iyuk ru
Father and child started walking, and they were carrying many tangerine seeds
e... gaghap ru... nanuʔu...
Seeds... err...
musaʔ ru... i... manraraan i mumuwaʔ cu iyuk
They were walking, and planting tangerines all along the road
ru... musaʔ ru... e... e...
And they kept walking...
tayhuk kiya cku puqing na kaal, kiya ku san nha mha puqing na kaal mha ru, tayhuk kiya cku puqing na kaal
And they reached the edge of the sky, what is called the edge of the sky, they reached the edge of the sky
muhngaw tikay ru, uniyal qutux ka wagiʔ ka... a... uniyal pkahtug ku qutux ka wagiʔ ka psayunag cku wagiʔ ka aruwa... i... matiyup cku qutux ka ragiyax ru
They rested a little, and a Sun came out to replace the Sun that came down
pasqalgan niyaʔ ku buhinug niyaʔ, buʔun niyaʔ na... buʔun niyaʔ ku qutux ka wagiʔ ru asi paplipliq ku qutux ka wagiʔ
He pulled the string on his bow and shot down one of the Suns, and it shattered like a drop of water
asi... ptubah i mhantan la
And it suddently got dark
ru... a kiya ku... payux ku maglag ka tataikay ru... yani ku san nha mha buliqu san mha
And there were many small shiny things [in the sky], those were indeed what are called stars
ru wal muhngiq ku nha ru muwah ru mhantan ga
And the two of them rested, and then walked until nightfall
maqas kahabaag ru muwah ru mhantan ga maqaylup, mhantan ru... ksasanan ga humakay
They walked happily, and during the night they would sleep, and during the day they would walk
ru... yani la masiki kiya ku ginisunaʔ nku qutux ka nabakis la ru, asi psiwaw kiya i raniq qutux ka nabakis
But the life (lit. "breath") of one of the ancestors came to an end, and he died on the way
ulaqiʔ ga ku uniyal la ru muwah cku inuwahan nha cungaʔ ru kiya ku pinumuwaʔ ka iyuʔiyuk ru, patraranun niyaʔ i maniq ku... e... iyuk ru
His child continued, walking along the places they had walked before, and where they had planted the tangerines, eating tangerines along the way
makabuway ku iyuk ka pinumuwaʔ nha la kuriʔax nha i humakay
During their long voyage, the tangerines that they had planted bore fruit
ru tayhuk i cku qalang niyaʔ la
And he reached his village
paqasun kahabaag nku cuquliq mha, apawa aqu cimu maqiyanux mha i, maqas kahabaag ku cuquliq ru
And everyone happily said, "Wow, you came back alive!" Everyone was happy
ru, yani la, minaqas la kahabaag ku cuquliq ga mha
And thus, everyone was happy
misacubalay la ga ka mapaung ku qutux ka wagiʔ naki kiya tikay a hangawan taʔ mha ru
\"It\'s great that one the Suns was put out, that way we can have a bit of rest\", they said
kiya ku... nanu kiya la ku san nha mha mhantan, kiya la ku san nha mha qaliyan la ru
And there was what is called night, and also what is called day
aring kiya la ru, nanuʔu... mumuwaʔ cu nananuwan ga iniʔ kakai gi makiya mhantan
And from then on... anything they planted wouldn\'t wilt, because there was night
kiya quwa... kiya qumuwalax, kiya quwalax, kiya mhantan la ru
And it would rain, there was rain, and there was night
balaiq a pintuwawan, balaiq kahabaag ku pintuwawan nha la gi
It became a lot better to plant their crops
i... ini kakilux la gi ukas ku qutux ka wagiʔ la
And it was no longer too hot, because one of the Suns was gone
In order to cite the website in full, please see the citation page. To cite only this recording, please use the following:
Watan Watan. 2014. 射太陽的故事 [Shè Tài Yáng De Gùshì]. In: Van Dam, Kellen Parker; Hansen, Steve; Qi, Jiayao (Eds). Phonemica. accessed 2025/03/14
@incollection{xyy2014shetaiyangdegushi, author = {Watan Watan}, booktitle = {乡音苑 Phonemica}, editor = {van Dam, {Kellen Parker} and Hansen, Steve and Qi, Jiayao}, publisher = {Phonemica}, title = {射太陽的故事 Shè Tài Yáng De Gùshì}, URL = {https://phonemica.net/x/543b6b492bd55346510e5c44/0}, note = {accessed 2025/03/14}, year = {2014} }