
1988 m

营口市的一个故事 2014/04/25

方言:蓋桓片 Gàihuán膠遼官話 Jiāoliáo官話 Mandarin漢語系 Sinitic漢藏語系 Sino-Tibetan

地点:西市区 Xīshìqū营口市 Yíngkǒu City辽宁省 Liáoníng

上传者:高远 2014/04/25

Da jia hao ,wo 1988 nian chu sheng yu ying kou xi shi qu jian she wei sheng yuan.
(Mandarine)Hello!I was born in Jianshe Community Hospital of the west district of Yingkou.
Wo xu shu xia mian gu shi suo cao de kou yin,xian jin tong xing yu ying kou shi nei de
The accent what I talk in is popular in the urban area of Yingkou
//zhan qian、xi shi he lao bian qu. Xia mian wo yao jiang shu yi ge guan yu ying kou wang er shan de chuan qi xiao gu shi
as Zhanqian,Xishi and Laobian District.I will tell you a legend story about Mt.Wang Er.
///Xiang cuan hen jiu yi qian,xiong yao ceng jiao si yi pian hai tan.
(Speaking in Jiao-Liao Madarine)Long time ago,it was a beach in the outskirt of Xiong Yue.
Hai bian you yi hu pin ku de in jia,zi you mu zi liang in,xiang yi wei ming.Ze nian,
There was a poor family,a mother and her son.they depended on each other for survival.
cao ting ju xing da kao,er zi ceng cuan fu jing gan kao,liu xia gu ku wu yi de mu qin.
One year,the court held a imperial examinations.So the son went to the capital for the examination left his mother alone.
mu qin (r)i ye lao zuo,zi pan wang ta de er zi zao (r)i yi jin huan xiang.
The mother worked double tides wishing her son would come back with glory soon.
Dan wu nai de si,ta yi zhi mei you er zi de yin xun,ta hen zao ji,jiu tian tian pa dao hai bianr de san sang tiao wang.
However,there was not a message any more.She was so anxiety that she went on the mountain by the sea and looked out every day.
yi ci you yi ci dui ze da hai hu huan:"hai zi ya ,hui lai ba!"
She shouted again and again to the sea:"My child,please come back!"
"Niang xiang ni ,xiang ni ya……"jiu ze yang ,si nian,er si nian,
"I miss you terrbly!"The mother did like this day after day,year after year,
san si nian ,qing si bei hai feng cui ceng le bai fa……
till she became a very old lady……
you yi tian ,nian mai de mu qin zai hu huan wan er zi zi hou
One day, After the mother had prayed for her son,
tu (r)ian hua ceng le si xiang ,zu li zai san dian .Ta bu zi
she transformed to a statue standing on the mountain in a second.
Ta de er zi jiu si zai fu jing gan kao de tu zong ,bu xing fan cuan ,zang sen yu fu.
In fact,her son was died in the journey to the capital due to a terrible shipwreck.
Sang tian bei wei da de mu ai gan dong le, iang mu qin sa xia de lei zu
The heaven was touched by the mother love,
hua zuo le yi gu gu di xia wen quan, zi iun ze pian tu di.
made her tears into springs irrigating the earth.
乡亲们也被伟大的母爱感动了,把那拔地而起的独秀峰叫做“望儿山” (方言结束)
Xiang qin men ye bei wei da de mu ai gan gong le ,ba na ba di er qi de du xiu feng jiao zuo "Wang Er san"
The folks were touched by the mother love,named the mountain she standing on"Wang Er" for commemoration.
Xie xie da jia.
Thank you for appreciating.
If you have any questions,you can email to 517235129@qq.com.




In order to cite the website in full, please see the citation page. To cite only this recording, please use the following:

Yuǎn 远. 2014. 营口市的一个故事 [Yíng​kǒu​shì De Yí Gè Gù​shì]. In: Van Dam, Kellen Parker; Hansen, Steve; Qi, Jiayao (Eds). Phonemica. accessed 2025/03/14
  author = {Yuǎn 远},
  booktitle = {乡音苑 Phonemica},
  editor = {van Dam, {Kellen Parker} and Hansen, Steve and Qi, Jiayao},
  publisher = {Phonemica},
  title = {营口市的一个故事 Yíng​kǒu​shì De Yí Gè Gù​shì},
  URL = {https://phonemica.net/x/543748642bd553180882abf5/0},
  note = {accessed 2025/03/14},
  year = {2014}