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Johnson Duan 1985 m

庐江的一个故事 2013/07/15

language variety: 洪巢片 Hóngcháo江淮官話 Jiānghuái官話 Mandarin漢語系 Sinitic漢藏語系 Sino-Tibetan

location: 庐江县 Lújiāngxiàn巢湖市 Cháohú City安徽省 Anhuī

uploaded by: kellen 2013/07/15

Gaige rudaoge xinxinsi, wu zu yiesiju cheizi huilai di shihou nan, cheizi shang naige rudi
An incident happened today. On my way home on Bus 149,
把——手资搞掉的之,还是i——爱疯4S ,她到处找,
ba——shouzi gao diaodezhi, haishi aai——aifeng si ais, ta daochu zhao,
a woman lost her iPhone 4S. She looked for it everywhere on the bus.
jiao renjia zai——cheidouzi zhao, a——nage jiendao zhi gita, nijiang nage hui jiendao?
And she asked everyone on bus to have a look around the seat, if someone found it, please give it to her.
Nabe kendin giren toude zhimang! Ranhou ta ju mei banfai, jio sizi ba cheizi tingzhi, beyao rangren haci.
The phone must be stolen. She had no way, but asked the driver to stop the bus, letting no one get off.
Ta jiang ta shi ceng daoxianglou zhan shanglai, yiezhe dao senlie ziyuin nanczu,
She said, from the time she got on until now, the bus hadn’t stopped.
Loushang dou meitin, naigeshi——lou——cheizi zoudishi gaojia jiang, nai yieduong lou haochang, naiyiejie lou
As the bus just passed a long way on the elevated road,
e——dou meiren haci, ta jiang tashi shangchei zhihou kan shouzi——kan shijian,
nobody got off. After getting on, she took out her phone to check the time,
kangu zhihou ba shouzi fangzai——kudou zi, zeme ju meizhi, ta jiang shi giren tou dezhi.
then put it in the pocket. Now it’s gone. She said it was stolen.
Women dou jude ta naige kendin shi geiren tou dezhi, naige xiaotou gvzi shi haci zhou. Danshi ta jiang, ta jiang ta——xiaotou mei haci, ranhou——yao baojin.
Others said, if it was stolen, the thief must have got off. But she said, the thief didn’t get off, she needed to call the police.
Women denzhi——mei yiege xiaoshi, keongpa yu buongge xiaoshi, naige yieyielin cai gulai.
We waited at least for half an hour, if not one hour, until the police arrived.
Ranhou naige jinchA shang cheizi zhihou, e——wen ta zeme huisi, ta jiang ta shouzi diodezhi.
One policeman got on the bus.
jinchA——ta yemei——cidao sheme zuyeong, ju zai cheizi zi huangzhi yie hazi.
The policeman helped nothing, anyway. He just had a look around.
Ta kankan——digeren——zhoangde yuho he, ta ju wen, nigan——gan mesi diai, dao naai ci ai,
He asked someone dark-skinned where he was going.
a, naige ren jiang, a, jiangzhi jiangzhi, ta ju——yaibedou——meizhi sile.
That man answered such and such. And he was clean.
Meizhisi——ranhou ta ju wang houmiN cheixiang——dou meiyu zoudo zei houmin, ju piopio, nengma——nage ren yiNshen bedei.
Then the policeman continued to walk to the back of the bus, trying to find out who seemed suspicious.
Ta yu kan bechwe sheme mintang, dajiadou——bexiangshi tou shouzi di. Ranhou taju——jinchA ju——huido——nage——rudi genjin, jugen ta jiang:
But with no success. Nobody looked like a thief.
“women yu mei quiNzi——ba meige ren shenshang dou soudiai, en, ni dige shou——ni dige siqin, e——
Then the policeman went back to the woman, “You know, we have no power to search everybody here.
zeme gan? Ni jude shi nage, e, huzhai shi na zige——ni bijio yu xiNzidi——nage deixiang,
Do you have any suspect in mind?
Gen women jiang, women kuzi——deiba, gi tamen cha——gi nimen chacha.”
Give us some suspects, then we can do body search.”
Nage rudi jiang:”wu yu be xiode nage tou wu shouzi a, wu yai mei sheme huaizi deixiang.” nage jinchA jiang:”naju——, dige siqin ju buhaoban le,
She answered:”I don’t have any suspect.” The policeman said:”Then we can do nothing about it.
ani——chufei jiang ni do women jinchAjue, zuge biele, women kezi ba dige siqin boge an,
Still, you could choose to come with us to the police station and file a record.”
denzi halai.” Na rudi jiang:” hoba, naju jiemezhai.” Na rudi ju gen jinchAjue disiren hacizhi.
She said:”OK, I will.” Then the woman got off with the policeman.
Na rudi bojin——shi bojin, shouzi mei zhodo, ba zizi godo jinchAjue zi cizhi.
That woman called the police, didn’t find her phone, and turned herself to the police station.



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In order to cite the website in full, please see the citation page. To cite only this recording, please use the following:

Johnson Duan Johnson Duan. 2013. 庐江的一个故事 [Lú​jiāng De Yí Gè Gù​shì]. In: Van Dam, Kellen Parker; Hansen, Steve; Qi, Jiayao (Eds). Phonemica. accessed 2025/03/14
  author = {Johnson Duan Johnson Duan},
  booktitle = {乡音苑 Phonemica},
  editor = {van Dam, {Kellen Parker} and Hansen, Steve and Qi, Jiayao},
  publisher = {Phonemica},
  title = {庐江的一个故事 Lú​jiāng De Yí Gè Gù​shì},
  URL = {},
  note = {accessed 2025/03/14},
  year = {2013}
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