邱女士 1956 f
台南的一个故事 2013/04/20
language variety: 泉漳 Quánzhāng
閩南 Southern Mǐn
閩語 Mǐn
漢語系 Sinitic
漢藏語系 Sino-Tibetan
location: 台南縣 Táinán County台灣 Táiwān
uploaded by: 邱翊庭 2013/04/20
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Qiū Nǚshì 邱女士. 2013. 台南的一个故事 [Táinán De Yí Gè Gùshì]. In: Van Dam, Kellen Parker; Hansen, Steve; Qi, Jiayao (Eds). Phonemica. accessed 2025/03/13
@incollection{xyy2013tainandeyigegushi, author = {Qiū Nǚshì 邱女士}, booktitle = {乡音苑 Phonemica}, editor = {van Dam, {Kellen Parker} and Hansen, Steve and Qi, Jiayao}, publisher = {Phonemica}, title = {台南的一个故事 Táinán De Yí Gè Gùshì}, URL = {https://phonemica.net/x/543743f42bd553f90382aacd/0}, note = {accessed 2025/03/13}, year = {2013} }