

Phonemica(乡音苑)is a platform for stories told in local vernaculars. Stories are contributed by our users, who record, upload and transcribe regional lore: nursery rhymes & childhood games, preparation of local foods, humorous anecdotes, local history, and much more.

The project is edited by Kellen Parker van Dam (柯祎蓝), Steve Hansen (司圆直) & Qi Jiayao (祁嘉耀). It was originally developed by Kellen Parker van Dam and Steve Hansen.


There are a number of ways you can contribute beyond uploading recordings and adding transcriptions. We are also always looking for help improving the site in terms of localisation and improved data on the represented languages.

For information on contributing to linguistic data outside of recordings, please see the git repository at phonemica/language-data.

To help contribute to site translation, please see phonemica/i18n.


We thank the many people who helped get the project started with their support. For a details of our initial IndieGoGo campaign, please see here.

We are indebted to the many volunteers who have submitted stories and contributed to transcriptions and translations over the years. Without their dedication the project could not exist.
